Press Releases


CAMAS, WA – Yesterday, the Colorado Supreme Court ruled that President Trump is ineligible to be listed on the ballot for voters in the state due to his alleged involvement in the January 6th insurrection.

Leslie Lewallen, former prosecuting attorney, current Camas City Council Member and candidate for WA-03, weighed in on the report.

As a former law clerk for two state supreme court justices, this decision is just another example of judicial activism gone awry. Four judges in Colorado have twisted the Fourteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution into a pretzel to use it as a pretext to stop people from voting for Trump because they do not like his politics. As I read the 200-page opinion, it is poorly reasoned, outrageous, unprecedented, and I suspect, on its way to well-deserved reversal by the US Supreme Court.”

Learn more about Leslie and her experience here.

Press Releases


CAMAS, WA – In case you missed it, Leslie Lewallen was ranked one of the top ten contenders for Congress in the 2024 election. The Ripon Society worked with top national strategists to build the list: “The strategists included: Jason Thielman, who serves as Executive Director of the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC), Chris Winkelman, who serves as Executive Director of the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC); Parker Poling, who served as Executive Director of the NRCC during the 2020 election cycle; and, Dan Conston the President of the American Action Network and Congressional Leadership Fund.”

The race for WA-03 has already been listed as a top one to watch and Representative Gluesenkamp Perez as a candidate in trouble, but Washingtonians and local leaders are attesting that Lewallen is the candidate to watch.

“Washington’s third Congressional district is critical to the direction of the country. It is a priority of mine to continue to highlight the importance of our Congressional seat nationally and I am very proud and thankful to be named as a candidate to watch by the Ripon Society,” said Leslie Lewallen in a statement. “I will continue to work tirelessly for the people of Southwest Washington and I will always vote on behalf of the people of Southwest Washington. I am proud to be a fifth generation Washingtonian, something my opponents cannot say, and I deeply understand the needs of our community. MGP is the status quo and she needs to go.”

Click here to read the full article.

To learn more about Leslie, click here.

Press Releases


CAMAS, WA – In case you missed it, Leslie Lewallen was ranked one of the top contenders for Congress in the 2024 election. Surrounded by a strong crowd of other candidates, it’s clear Lewallen is making waves in her contest for Congress.

The race for WA-03 has already been listed as a top one to watch and Representative Gluesenkamp Perez as a candidate in trouble, but Lewallen is the candidate to watch. Marie Glusenkamp Perez has been working to bring Portland’s progressive policies to Southwest Washington, but not even people in Portland want to live in Portland. With 88% of Americans expressing discontent with the direction the country is going, it’s obviously time for a change.

Portland progressive Perez is exactly what’s wrong with D.C. politicians – they preach one thing on the campaign trail and do the complete opposite when they get to Congress,” said Leslie Lewallen in a statement. “I will always vote on behalf of the people of Southwest Washington. I am proud to be a fifth generation Washingtonian, something my opponents cannot say, and I deeply understand the needs of our community. MGP is the status quo and she needs to go.

Click here to read the full article.

To learn more about Leslie, click here.

Press Releases


CAMAS, WA – In case you missed it, Leslie Lewallen talked about the national importance of Washington’s 3rd Congressional District election with Brandi Kruse on her podcast unDivided.

Watch Leslie’s interview here:

There are a limited number of competitive Congressional seats nationally and WA-03 is within the top three potential Republican pickups. Leslie Lewallen, 5th Generation Washingtonian, former Prosecutor and Camas City Council Member is the candidate who best represents Southwest Washington and can defeat Marie Gluesenkamp Perez. Perez was able to take this seat from Republicans in 2022 when Joe Kent slipped into the general election despite all the other Republicans on the primary ballot getting twice as many votes as he did. In addition, in the last thirty years there has not been a single rematch for federal or statewide office in Washington State that has ever produced a flipped outcome. As the saying goes, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results

Southwest Washington is home to a diverse set of voters who want an alternative and that’s evidenced by the impressive coalition of supporters Lewallen has gathered as she campaigns across the district. It is time for new leadership that actually reflects the needs of Southwest Washingtonians and Lewallen is poised to be that leader.

To learn more about Leslie, click here.

Press Releases


CAMAS, WA – Since Leslie Lewallen’s campaign kicked off at the end of September, her endorsement list has continued to grow as her campaign gains momentum from local elected officials, small business owners, and advocates in the community. This coalition is being built because of Lewallen’s interconnectedness in Southwest Washington, her tireless work for the city of Camas, and the shared belief that Washington State needs representation that reflects their beliefs: something that Marie Gluesenkamp Perez has failed to provide.

In the last year alone, MGP has:

-Voted against securing the border which directly influences the safety of Southwest Washingtonians and allows unknown amounts of illicit drugs to enter the country simultaneously.

-Voted against the Parent’s Bill of Rights which affects the education and wellness of students as the divide between school boards and families continue to grow.

-Voted against providing small business support for locally owned organizations which make up 99.5% of Washington State’s businesses.

It’s clear that Washington deserves better and unlike some opponents who insist on bending the rules to garner endorsements and have languishing grassroots support, Leslie Lewallen is backed by a diverse group of allies.

See her some of her endorsers below:

Tiffany Smiley – Chair of Endeavor PAC

Sam Reed – Former WA Secretary of State

Rob McKenna – Former WA State Attorney General

JT Wilcox – District 2 WA State Representative

Jennifer Senescu – Camas City Council Member

Liz Pike – Former WA State Representative

Larry Hoff – Former WA State Representative

Reagan Dunn – King County Council Vice-Chair

Dann Mead Smith – Conservative Advocate and Former WA Policy Center President

Kevin Wallace – Former Bellevue City Council Member

Peter Van Nortwick – Clark County Assessor

Myrna Leija – La Center City Council Member

I am so honored to have received all of these endorsements from such influential leaders in our community. Even more exciting to me, however, is the fact that these are all real people who have experienced what life is like when Gluesenkamp Perez is our representative,” said Lewallen in reference to her growing list of endorsements. “I am proud to be a voice for our conservative values. I am a 5th generation Washingtonian; I believe in our community and I believe in our country and I will be the representative that they both deserve.”

To learn more about Leslie, click here.

Press Releases


CAMAS, WA – Today, Myrna Leija, La Center City Council Member, endorsed Leslie Lewallen for WA-03. The announcement follows several other significant endorsements for Leslie as the Lewallen campaign continues to build a broad base of support across Washington state.

“As a longtime resident and representative of La Center, I have firsthand knowledge of the challenges facing Southwest Washington. With over 20 years spent working in the Clark County Sheriff’s office, I have seen the impact bad policies have on our law enforcement agencies and the consequences of poor governance. I am passionate about keeping our communities safe, and Leslie’s background as a King County prosecutor makes her uniquely qualified to understand and take action on the crime and safety issues our region is facing. We need leadership willing to stand against the progressive agendas taking over our cities and be a voice for all of the communities in Southwest Washington – big or small. I am confident Leslie Lewallen is the best leader for Washington-03, and I am proud to offer her my support,” said Leija on announcing her endorsement.

In June of 2023, Myrna Leija was unanimously appointed to fill a vacancy on the La Center City Council and then went on to win a full term with overwhelming support from La Center voters just five months later. Prior to her appointment and subsequent election, Myrna spent over 25 years working for the Clark County Sheriff’s department before taking a position as a contractor with the US Marshals office. A committed public servant, she has dedicated her time since taking office to improving La Center’s First Responder coverage and making La Center a liveable, thriving community. 

I am proud to accept this endorsement from Myrna Lieja,” said Lewallen. “Myrna has dedicated much of her life to serving the residents of Clark County and now La Center. Her unwavering commitment to her community is what we need in our elected leaders. I look forward to serving the voters of Southwest Washington with the same passion and determination while addressing our most pressing issues – crime, addiction, a faltering economy and failing schools!”

The Lewallen campaign continues to receive endorsements from a dynamic group of supporters from every walk of life and background- demonstrating, yet again, that Leslie is the best candidate to represent the diverse voters of Southwest Washington. While Marie Gluesenkamp Perez actively votes against the interests of WA-03 constituents, Leslie Lewallen will fight to show voters that there is a better path forward.
To learn more about Leslie and her endorsements, click here.

Press Releases


CAMAS, WA – Today, Peter Van Nortwick, Clark County Assessor, endorsed Leslie Lewallen for WA-03. The announcement comes as momentum continues to build for Lewallen across Washington State.

“As a fourth generation Washingtonian and elected official for Clark County for over a decade, I uniquely understand the needs of Washington’s electorate and what it takes to be a leader in our community. I believe that Leslie Lewallen is the only candidate in this race who has what it takes to lead our state into a brighter future because she is a fifth generation Washingtonian and local city council member. We need a leader who knows our needs and acts on them and from her time on the Camas City Council, Leslie has proven she will do just that,” said Van Nortwick. 

Peter Van Nortwick has served Clark County as Assessor since 2011 and has been an advocate of small government and efficient use of taxpayer dollars. His work to cut red tape and reduce bureaucratic barriers in the assessors office has made him a respected county official.

I am proud to accept this endorsement from Peter Van Nortwick,” said Lewallen. “He has continuously proven that he is a leader for the people of Clark County and I am honored to uphold that same commitment. Southwest Washington deserves a representative who will stand up to destructive policies like open borders, high costs and lax sentencing for criminals and I will be that leader.”

This endorsement announcement highlights the diverse and growing support for Leslie Lewallen’s campaign. While Marie Gluesenkamp Perez actively votes against the interests of WA-03 constituents, Leslie Lewallen will fight to show voters that there is a better path forward.

To learn more about Leslie and her endorsements, click here

Press Releases


CAMAS, WA – Yesterday and today commemorate the Day of the Dead, a holiday that memorializes loved ones that have passed and remembers the good times shared among family and friends. In the spirit of memorializing things that have passed on, Washingtonians are reminded of the abysmal light rail project that Democrats attempt to revive almost every year. 

Not only would the project cost millions of dollars that could be used to fund more vital programs in the state, but it has also been dubbed a safety hazard because of the increase of crime and homicide in Portland. Voters have rejected the measure a total of three times, yet somehow, its corpse always seems to rise from the ashes. Some proponents of the measure say that Washingtonians have never explicitly voted yes-or-no on the proposal. The truth is that voters have rejected approving a tax increase to pay for light rail, and that’s as clear as they can get. 

Beyond the tax hike to build an unsafe crossing The University of Washington assessed transportation systems in Washington State and their results showed that trace amounts of fentanyl and methamphetamine were detected on public transit vehicles. These findings are yet another reason why there should not be a direct route for crime and illicit drugs to be ferried from Portland to Washington State.

Leslie Lewallen, Camas City Council Member and Regional Transportation Board Member for Camas and Washougal, has voted against the measure while in office because she knows that voters have rejected it already. 

It’s unclear why politicians continually try to revive the light rail project. Voters have made their voices heard on the issue and that they don’t want the troubles of Portland to be bussed to their doorstep,” said Lewallen in a statement. “I will continue to reject the light rail project because I believe in advocating for the wants of voters and we do not want higher taxes, less safety and more drugs on our streets. Let’s keep Portland out of Washington State.” 

Happy Day of the Dead to all who celebrate, just not the light rail project. 

To learn more about Leslie, click here

Press Releases


CAMAS, WA – As Halloween season comes to an end, Washingtonians are reminded that nothing is spookier than Democrat policies wreaking havoc on their lives. Marie Gluesenkamp Perez has been a rubber stamp for Democrat policies and even though she says she’s a moderate, her actions are anything but moderate. 

Here are some of the scariest consequences from Democrat policies this year: 

  • Inflation is raging and Americans are choosing between basic necessities 
  • Biden has lost the confidence of the American people
  • Hate crimes, property theft, and home invasions are on the rise
  • Illicit drug use and overdoses are claiming more lives since the pandemic
  • Voted against securing the border and have allowed thousands of people to cross into the country illegally

These policies have been nothing but tricks for Washingtonians and Marie Gluesenkamp Perez has been complacent. She has been unmasked for the partisan Democrat that she is and it’s clear that she’s more in line with Portland than she is with Southwest Washington. 

I am the fighter that Southwest Washington needs. I believe in our community and I have been fighting for us ever since I got here,” said Leslie Lewallen, candidate for WA-03. “I believe in safer neighborhoods, improved educational opportunities for our kids and lower costs. Marie Gluesenkamp Perez is a far-left progressive no matter what costume she wears and she has actively voted against the needs of our community. When I get to Congress, I will continue to deliver for the voters of Southwest Washington.” 

As the spooky season comes to an end, voters will remember that Marie Gluesenkamp Perez and Democrats have been causing jump scares in Washington, D.C. 

To learn more about Leslie, click here

Press Releases

Leslie Lewallen Statement on National Civics Day

CAMAS, WA – October 27th is National Civics Day. A time to commemorate the first Federalist Papers being published and encourage civic discussions and engagement in schools. As a staunch defender of the constitution and an advocate for parent’s voices in schools to enhance children’s education, Leslie Lewallen offered a statement: 

National Civics Day should remind us what we’re fighting for. I have always believed in the power of a good education. Any person, anywhere can change their own life if they are given access to a strong foundational education, unfortunately, that’s not what our kids are receiving right now and it’s why I got into this race for Congress. I was tired of sitting on the sidelines watching test scores drop and students flee the public school system. This means less resources for vulnerable communities of children who need those resources most. It is time to unite parents and teachers, unions and school boards and fight for the one thing all those factions have in common: the good of our kids. Happy Nation Civics Day, let’s continue to advocate for the best education for the future of this generation.

To learn more about Leslie, click here