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Listen: Leslie on the Jason Rantz Show

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News Press Releases

Leslie Lewallen on Portland Perez Leaving Biden Behind

CAMAS, WA – Today, Marie Gluesenkamp Perez called on President Biden to step aside to try and save her political career after supporting his radical agenda since she took office. Leslie Lewallen, candidate for Washington’s 3rd Congressional District, released the following statement in response:

“Over the last two years, Marie Gluesenkamp Perez has supported Joe Biden’s radical spending, wide-open borders, and anti-Second Amendment legislation. She has insulted Washington families by telling them that no one is worried about the border crisis and praises Biden’s disastrous agenda. Now, she is doing everything that she can to distance herself to try and save her political career. It’s too little, too late and I will work to ensure voters know that Marie Gluesenkamp Perez is another spineless politician who will say whatever she can to save herself.”

To learn more about Leslie and her run for Congress, visit here.

News Press Releases

Winning for Women Supports Lewallen with $300,000 Investment

CAMAS, WA – Winning for Women, a federal PAC supporting conservative women running for federal office, announced a $300,000 investment supporting Leslie Lewallen in WA-03. The investment is for mail pieces and texting to propel Lewallen to victory in the August primary.

“I am thankful to have Winning for Women’s support in my race as I continue to share my vision for our country with families across the district,” said Leslie Lewallen, candidate for WA-03. “This investment will help share our plan to turn Southwest Washington around and propel our campaign across the finish line. I am running for Congress because I understand the real problems hurting our communities and am ready to step up and fight for our families in D.C.”

To learn more about Leslie and her run for Congress, visit here.

News Press Releases


CAMAS, WA – Over the holiday weekend, Marie Gluesenkamp Perez, one of the most vulnerable Democrats in the House of Representatives, tried to distance herself from Joe Biden after it became clear to the American people that her party was hiding his decline.

Gluesenkamp Perez told KATU that “Biden is going to lose to Trump,” and quickly distanced herself from the president that she has met with numerous times in the White House. Glusenkamp Perez is panicking as she plays cleanup after lying to the American people for her entire political career.

Gluesenkamp Perez’s decision to run away from Joe Biden leaves many important questions unanswered. Every reporter should be asking Marie Gluesenkamp Perez:

-Do you still support Joe Biden?

-Do you think Joe Biden is fit to be President?

-Why did you spend years hiding Joe Biden’s mental decline?

Bottom line: Gluesenkamp Perez is gaslighting Southwest Washington about her role in our wide-open border, skyrocketing prices, and supporting a president who is not physically or mentally fit to lead our country.

To learn more about Leslie and her run for Congress, visit here.

News Press Releases

Lewallen: “Fireworks Are a Quintessential Part of Celebrating America”

CAMAS, WA – On Thursday, hundreds of millions of Americans will celebrate our freedoms and independence. An integral part of the celebration will include fireworks with more than 14,000 displays lighting up the skies across the country. Symbolizing the “rockets red glare – bombs bursting in air” in the Star Spangled Banner, fireworks are a reminder of our collective values of freedom and unity as a nation.

Unfortunately, in 2024, there is a strong movement against celebrating America – or anything that symbolizes the love of our country. The American flag is seen as divisive and young people would rather fly flags praising terrorist groups than our own. July 4th celebrations spark yearly calls to ban fireworks and inspire more government regulation and intervention, as a result.

The State of Washington provides a framework for regulating fireworks, and many local jurisdictions, like Camas, have enacted their own measures tailored to local concerns.

“I will always fight to protect our rights and keep the government out of our homes, pocketbooks, and lives,” said Leslie Lewallen, candidate for WA-03. “Fireworks are a quintessential part of celebrating America and one of my favorite parts of July 4th. I will always celebrate our great country and encourage patriotism.”

To learn more about Leslie and her run for Congress, visit here.

News Press Releases


CAMAS, WA – Today, former Washington State Representative Richard DeBolt announced his endorsement of Leslie Lewallen for WA-03.

In his endorsement, Richard DeBolt said, “Leslie Lewallen is an effective leader and is committed to our community and the improvement of our beautiful state. Leslie has shown her ability to achieve results and her understanding of the issues important to Washingtonians makes her the ideal candidate to represent Southwest Washington in Congress. I fully endorse Leslie Lewallen for Congress and I am confident she will be the voice Washington’s 3rd Congressional District needs.”

Following this endorsement, Leslie Lewallen said, “I am honored to receive former State Representative Richard DeBolt’s endorsement. He served Washington in the House of Representatives for decades and I look forward to being a strong voice for our district, and will address the issues that matter most to our community.”

Richard DeBolt served in the Washington House of Representatives from 1997 to 2021, representing the 20th district and serving as House Republican Leader from 2004-2005 and 2006-2013. He also served as the Ranking Republican on the House Capital Budget Committee. DeBolt is currently the Executive Director of the Lewis Economic Development Council and has been a Lewis County resident for over 25 years.

The Lewallen campaign continues to receive endorsements from a dynamic group of supporters from every walk of life and background – demonstrating that Leslie is the best candidate to represent the diverse voters of Southwest Washington. While Marie Gluesenkamp Perez actively votes against the interests of WA-03 constituents, Leslie Lewallen will fight to show voters that there is a better path forward.

To learn more about Leslie and her endorsements, click here.

To learn more about Leslie and her run for Congress, visit here.

News Press Releases


CAMAS, WA – Today, William Oltman, professor emeritus at Seattle University School of Law, announced his endorsement of Leslie Lewallen for WA-03.

On announcing his endorsement, Professor Oltman said: “Leslie Lewallen is an exceptional person and we are fortunate that someone of this caliber is willing to uproot herself and take our fight to Washington. She is also an exceptional lawyer and she is most capable to handle and face the issues raised in DC. I am a Professor of Law, Emeritus from Seattle University School of Law and Leslie was one of the best students I have had in my classes. Beyond that academic success, I am most impressed by her common sense and how well grounded she is, has always been. We desperately need that in the current Congress. She is the person I want to represent me and my family in Washington DC!”

Leslie Lewallen, on receiving this endorsement, said: “I was so fortunate to have Professor Oltman in law school. He was the type of teacher that every student hopes for – patient, easy to understand and deeply interested in the lives and welfare of his students. Receiving his endorsement is humbling, and I am so thankful for his continued interest and investment in my life. Restoring law and order begins by enforcing the laws we already have, and ensuring our law enforcement has all the support and resources they need. This will be a top priority when I am in office, and I look forward to delivering for the hardworking families and residents of WA-03.

Professor Oltman received his Bachelor’s degree from the University of Wisconsin and went on to graduate cum laude from the University of Michigan School of Law. His teaching experience includes time at the Indianapolis Law School as well as Victoria University in Wellington, New Zealand. He joined the faculty at Seattle University School of Law in 1974, specializing in property, community property, estate planning and taxation as well as trusts and estates.

The Lewallen campaign continues to receive endorsements from a dynamic group of supporters from every walk of life and background- demonstrating, yet again, that Leslie is the best candidate to represent the diverse voters of Southwest Washington. While Marie Gluesenkamp Perez actively votes against the interests of WA-03 constituents, Leslie Lewallen will fight to show voters that there is a better path forward.

To learn more about Leslie and her endorsements, click here.

To learn more about Leslie and her run for Congress, visit here.

News Press Releases

The Power of Homelessness Policy Belongs to the People

CAMAS, WA – Today, the Supreme Court ruled that our local municipalities have the right to manage the homelessness crisis affecting communities across Washington and our country. Leslie Lewallen, candidate for Congress in WA-03 released the following statement:

“Today is a great day for Southwest Washington! The Supreme Court’s common-sense decision will keep our communities safe and curb the homeless crisis ravaging our communities. Every day, people in Southwest Washington are on the front-lines working with the homeless community and know that there is not a one-size-fits-all solution. The Supreme Court’s decision rightly returns power to our local governments and gives them the authority that they need to help homeless individuals and give them the support they need.”

In a 6-3 decision, The Supreme Court ruled in Grants Pass v. Johnson that efforts to address or tackle homeless individuals for sleeping on public property when there is no available shelter does not violate the 8th Amendment.

To learn more about Leslie and her run for Congress, visit here.

Press Releases

ICYMI: “Leslie Lewallen says combating SW Washington’s opioid epidemic is a top priority”

The Columbian

June 24, 2024

A town hall event hosted Friday by 3rd Congressional District candidate Leslie Lewallen resembled a support group for grieving families who have lost loved ones to Southwest Washington’s opioid epidemic.

The event, held at the Camas Community Center, began with local speakers who discussed how opioids have impacted their lives and communities. Later, a microphone was passed around the room, and some attendees spoke candidly and emotionally about loved ones who have overdosed or are suffering from addiction.

Many brought photos of their friends and family members who have died. They were displayed on a table at the back of the room.

. . .

“First and foremost, we need to secure the southern border,” she said. “Will it fix everything? No. But it will cut the head of the snake off.”

She added she supports building a wall along the Mexican border, supplying border patrol agents with needed resources and reinstating the Trump-era “Remain in Mexico” policy.

Her second priority is reversing “soft-on-crime” policies, she said.

“The defund the police movement didn’t just defund our law enforcement officers, it defunded our criminal court systems, as well,” she said. “We’ve got to get tough on crime again.”

Read the full opinion piece in The Columbian here.

To learn more about Leslie and her run for Congress, visit here.

News Press Releases

Leslie Lewallen for Congress Releases New TV Ad: “I Can and I Will”

CAMAS, WA – Over the weekend, the Leslie Lewallen for Congress campaign released its first television ad titled “I Can and I Will” which highlights why Leslie decided to run for Congress and how the Democrats’ policies are bringing Portland’s homelessness, drug dens, and crime to Southwest Washington. Joe Kent had his chance to put an end to all of this, but he lost. Now, Leslie Lewallen is stepping up to put an end to Portland Perez and Joe Biden’s radical agenda that is hurting Washington’s third congressional district.


“Washington families have had enough of the radical left’s agenda which is allowing lethal drugs to flood into our cities and as a result, hurting our communities. Joe Kent had his chance to put an end to this, but he lost and will lose again if he is our nominee. We need to put an end to Portland Perez’s radical agenda, which is why I am stepping up. We need someone in Washington who will put our country first and be a voice for the constituents of the 3rd Congressional district, and that’s exactly what I promise to do,” said Leslie Lewallen.

To learn more about Leslie and her run for Congress, visit here.