Press Releases

Leslie Lewallen has Always Been a Fighter

CAMAS, WA – In case you missed it, Leslie Lewallen’s history of being a fighter and armstrong advocate for conservative values was highlighted by The Chronicle yesterday. The article talks about Lewallen’s rise from prosecuting attorney, to Camas City Council Member and now candidate for congress in WA-03. 

Leslie is a 5th generation Washingtonian with a history of public service in her family. She believes in fighting for parent’s voices in schools, eliminating illicit drugs from our communities, and reducing costs for Washington families. As a mother of four in the public school system, she understands the dire need for education advocates and doesn’t shy away from a battle. 

From the Chronicle:  

“In November 2021, Lewallen was elected to the Camas City Council after “personally” knocking on 5,000 doors in the approximately 25,000-person city, she said. Her biggest concern was the fallout from COVID-19 learning loss and what she saw as lack of parental input. Her term is set to end in 2025.

“I’m my children’s best advocate,” Lewallen said, later adding, “We have 60,000 less students enrolled in the public school system. We’ve seen a 20% increase in private school enrollment. We’ve seen a 40% increase in homeschool enrollment. And those are facts that don’t lie.”

She’s also on the city council’s transportation committee, with a particular focus on the Interstate 5 bridge to Portland. 

Other issues she’d bring to Congress, if elected in November 2024, she said, include homelessness, crime and a wish to secure the United States’ border with Mexico.”

Leslie Lewallen’s campaign for congress is continuing to gain momentum and she will fight to be the conservative that holds liberal Democrats accountable in D.C. 

Read the full article here. 

To learn more about Leslie, click here

Press Releases

Iranians Found at Border After Marie Gluesenkamp Perez Voted for Open Borders and Less Safety

CAMAS, WA – A new Fox News report found two Iranians at our border, creating more questions about American border security. In May, Marie Gluesenkamp Perez voted against securing our border when she voted “no” with Democrats on the Border Security and Enforcement Act of 2023. This was a measure that would have shored up the border, provided resources to border communities and increased the safety of our country. 

Now, Fox News reports that there have been two instances of Iranians caught at the border who have raised red flags from the terrorist screening database. Thousands of unchecked immigrants are flooding into the U.S. daily and Americans can do nothing, but sit back and watch thanks to policies from Democrats like Marie Gluesenkamp Perez. 

“We have no idea who is in our country and who is coming across our border. The situation in the Middle East only highlights the need to get it under control. Marie Gluesenkamp Perez voted against Southwest Washington in May and she’ll keep doing it because she is out of touch with our community,” said Lewallen in a statement. “This gross and blatant disregard for Americans’ safety is exactly why I’m in this race. Democrats think our country should have open borders, but we know that those policies have dangerous consequences. For the safety of our country, we must vote Perez out.”

Leslie Lewallen will always vote for the safety and security of Americans. Unlike Marie Gluesenkamp Perez who continuously votes against Washington State, Leslie will always fight for Southwest Washingtonians.

To learn more about Leslie, click here

Press Releases


CAMAS, WA – Today, Dann Mead Smith, former President/CEO of Washington Policy Center, President of The Mead Smith Group, co-lead of Project 42 nonprofit, and conservative advocate for over 25 years endorsed Leslie Lewallen for WA-03. The announcement comes after ten days of endorsement announcements from the Lewallen camp.

“I have seen a number of candidates in my years of working on policy issues and working with state, federal and local elected officials in Washington State, and Leslie is ready to face the challenges of the day. Leslie is a fierce advocate for strong systems that actually serve the people they were created for, and she has the vision and the grit to make sure our state has the representation it deserves,” said Mead Smith.

Dann Mead Smith is an established Washington State policy professional with years of experience advancing free-market policy priorities statewide. He now co-leads Project 42, a nonprofit, advocacy organization dedicated to improving free markets, personal liberty and an individual’s right to prosper, and is endorsing her as an individual.

“Dann Mead Smith has a wealth of policy, grassroots and non-profit experience and has advocated for conservative values during the course of his impressive career,” said Lewallen. “I am proud to receive his endorsement because it shows my commitment to improving the lives of Washingtonians by advocating for systems and processes that serve them.”

This endorsement announcement is the eleventh in another week of upcoming releases highlighting the diverse and growing support for Leslie Lewallen’s campaign. While Marie Gluesenkamp Perez actively votes against the interests of WA-03 constituents, Leslie Lewallen will fight to show voters that there is a better path forward.

Note that Dann’s titles/affiliations are for identification purposes only and should not be taken as endorsement by any of those organizations

Press Releases


CAMAS, WA – Today, Kevin Wallace, former Bellevue City Council Member and small business owner, endorsed Leslie Lewallen for WA-03. The announcement comes after eight days of endorsement announcements from the Lewallen camp.

“It is with great pleasure that I offer my full endorsement to Leslie Lewallen’s campaign for Washington-03. Democrats like Marie Gluesenkamp Perez want to radicalize Washington and unleash their tax-and-spend agendas on hardworking Washingtonians, but Leslie Lewallen will fight to save us money. I can’t think of a better representative for Southwest Washington”, said Wallace. 

Kevin Wallace was on the Bellevue City Council from 2008-2017 and is now president of Wallace Properties after practicing real estate law at the Seattle firms of Foster Pepper and K&L Gates. His years of experience in local government, practicing law, and owning his own business make him exceptionally qualified to offer an endorsement. 

Kevin Wallace has served the people of Washington in a number of ways, and his endorsement shows that who we send to Congress matters for all Washingtonians,” said Lewallen. “I am proud to be taking up this fight for our state to ensure our values are represented in Congress.” 

This endorsement announcement is the ninth in another week of upcoming releases, highlighting the diverse and growing support for Leslie Lewallen’s campaign. While Marie Gluesenkamp Perez actively votes against the interests of WA-03 constituents, Leslie Lewallen will fight to show voters that there is a better path forward.

See the past week’s endorsements here

  • Tiffany Smiley, Endeavor PAC Chair
  • Jennifer Senescu, Camas City Council Member
  • Rob McKenna, Former Washington State Attorney General
  • Sam Reed, Former Washington Secretary of State
  • Liz Pike, Former State Representative and Camas City Council Member
  • Reagan Dunn, King County Council Vice-Chair
  • Larry Hoff, former Washington State Representative from District 18
  • JT Wilcox, WA State member of the House of Representatives from District 2

To learn more about Leslie, click here

Press Releases


CAMAS, WA – Today, JT Wilcox, sitting Washington State Representative from District 2, former House Republican leader, and small business owner, endorsed Leslie Lewallen for WA-03. The announcement comes after seven days of endorsement announcements from the Lewallen camp.

“As a small business owner and current member of the Washington State House of Representatives, I have an acute understanding of what the people of Washington State need. Our communities need representation that shares their ideals of low costs of living, increased public safety measures, and parents’ rights in schools and Leslie encapsulates those ideals. I know that she will not bend to the shifting tides of D.C.’s political elitism and will bring commonsense to the Capitol,” said Wilcox. 

JT Wilcox has served in the Washington State House of Representatives since 2011, and he and his family own Wilcox farm which has served the community for four generations. He has dedicated his life to giving back to the people of Washington State and knows what it takes to be a strong Republican leader. 

I am so grateful for this endorsement from JT Wilcox,” said Lewallen. “He is a proven changemaker and leader in our state, and I am proud that he understands the vision we have for Southwest Washington. This campaign is for all Washingtonians because we know we must do whatever it takes to make our voices heard.”

This endorsement announcement is the eighth in another week of upcoming releases highlighting the diverse and growing support for Leslie Lewallen’s campaign. While Marie Gluesenkamp Perez actively votes against the interests of WA-03 constituents, Leslie Lewallen will fight to show voters that there is a better path forward.

See the past week’s endorsements here: 

  • Tiffany Smiley, Endeavor PAC Chair
  • Jennifer Senescu, Camas City Council Member
  • Rob McKenna, Former Washington State Attorney General
  • Sam Reed, Former Washington Secretary of State
  • Liz Pike, Former State Representative and Camas City Council Member
  • Reagan Dunn, King County Council Vice-Chair
  • Larry Hoff, former Washington State Representative from District 18

To learn more about Leslie, click here

Press Releases


CAMAS, WA – Today, Larry Hoff, former Washington State Representative from District 18, endorsed Leslie Lewallen for WA-03. The announcement comes after six days of endorsement announcements from the Lewallen camp.

“I am happy to endorse Leslie Lewallen for WA-03. It’s clear that Leslie has the determination and passion to win this seat back for conservatives in Southwest Washington. Washingtonians are tired of politicians making and breaking their promises, and Leslie is the only candidate in this race who will bring stability and faith in the democratic process back to Washington State,” said Hoff. 

Larry Hoff served in the Washington State House of Representatives from 2019-2022 and passed a number of measures supporting the people of Southwest Washington. His commitment to the small government and low tax ideals align with Lewallen’s and highlight their commitment to bettering the lives of Washingtonians. 

This endorsement from Larry is incredibly meaningful because of his track record of fighting for the needs of Southwest Washingtonians,” said Lewallen. “In Congress, I will follow the example of representatives like Larry who blazed a trail for how to act with integrity and make meaningful change for our community.” 

This endorsement announcement is the seventh in another week of upcoming releases highlighting the diverse and growing support for Leslie Lewallen’s campaign. While Marie Gluesenkamp Perez actively votes against the interests of WA-03 constituents, Leslie Lewallen will fight to show voters that there is a better path forward.

See the past week’s endorsements here: 

  • Tiffany Smiley, Endeavor PAC Chair
  • Jennifer Senescu, Camas City Council Member
  • Rob McKenna, Former Washington State Attorney General
  • Sam Reed, Former Washington Secretary of State
  • Liz Pike, Former State Senator and Camas City Council Member
  • Reagan Dunn, King County Council Vice-Chair

To learn more about Leslie, click here

Press Releases


CAMAS, WA – In case you missed it, Leslie Lewallen’s campaign for WA-03 was highlighted in a Seattle Times article that proves she is the only alternative to Marie Gluesenkamp Perez for commonsense voters. 

Marie Gluesenkamp Perez won last year’s election after running as a moderate, but as soon as she got into office, she shed her moderate guise. Perez has proven that she is anti-small business, anti-parental choice in schools and pro-open borders. These are not Southwest Washington values, rather policies that align with the progressive left’s agenda to increase taxes and strip rights away from voters. 

“…I need to fight to beat Marie Perez. She won the last election and she shouldn’t have done it. She should not be in office, and if we lose this seat again, we could lose this seat forever,” said Lewallen at a recent fundraiser in Bellevue. 

The article emphasized Lewallen’s kickoff event in Downtown Camas and her commitment to stopping the smuggling of illicit drugs, advocating for parent’s voices in schools and lower costs for everyday necessities. 

During her time on the Camas City Council, Leslie Lewallen has proven that she is a pragmatic problem solver who knows how to stand up for the interests of her community. She will continue to meet with voters and garner support from a wide range of local voices to send Progressive Perez back to Portland. 

Read the full article here.  

Press Releases



Today, Reagan Dunn, King County Council Vice-Chair and local community organizer, endorsed Leslie Lewallen for WA-03. The announcement comes after a week of endorsement announcements from the Lewallen camp.

“I am proud to endorse Leslie Lewallen in her fight to take back WA-03. I have always stood in strong support of Washington State’s conservative values, and believe in empowering members of our community to fight for what they want to see in our country and Leslie is a prime example of that leadership. It’s time to take this seat back for the people of Southwest Washington” said Dunn. 

Reagan Dunn is the son of U.S. Congresswoman Jennifer Dunn who worked to mentor the next generation of female Republican leaders. Her legacy of empowerment and conservative ideals lives on through her son and is a testament to the groundwork she laid for Republicans in Washington State.  

I am grateful to receive another endorsement from a proven leader right here in Washington State. This campaign is one for the people of Southwest Washington and having their support gives us the momentum we need to beat Marie Gluesenkamp Perez in 2024,” said Lewallen. “I am honored to work alongside people like Reagan Dunn to bring the representation that our state deserves to Congress.” 

This endorsement announcement is the sixth in another week of upcoming releases highlighting the diverse and growing support for Leslie Lewallen’s campaign. While Marie Gluesenkamp Perez actively votes against the interests of WA-03 constituents, Leslie Lewallen will fight to show voters that there is a better path forward.

See the past week’s endorsements here: 

  • Tiffany Smiley, Endeavour PAC Chair
  • Jennifer Senescu, Camas City Council Member
  • Rob McKenna, Former Washington State Attorney General
  • Sam Reed, Former Washington Secretary of State
  • Liz Pike, Former State Senator and Camas City Council Member

Press Releases


CAMAS, WA – This weekend, Congress narrowly avoided a full government shutdown by passing a 45-day stopgap measure to keep federal employees paid and government programs running. Leslie Lewallen, candidate for WA-03, issued the following statement:  

This narrow miss with the government almost shutting down proves what many of us in Southwest Washington know to be true: brinkmanship serves no one,” said Lewallen. “Playing party politics and advocating for self-interests in Washington, D.C. does nothing to serve the citizens our representatives are entrusted to represent. Americans need guarantees that they won’t lose their jobs or access to vital government programs. We have a crisis at the border,  record inflation, homelessness and drug use spiraling out of control and it’s time for our elected leaders to work for the people, not themselves.  At this critical point in our history, we need workhorses, not show horses. Marie Gluesenkamp Perez needs to do her job over the next 45 days because continuing to hold our nation’s budget hostage is not a solution. Southwest Washington deserves better and, if elected, I will put my skills of pragmatic problem solving and track record of legislative success to work.” 

To learn more about Leslie’s campaign, visit

Press Releases


CAMAS, WA – Today, Liz Pike, local community organizer, former Washington State Representative, and former Camas City Council member, endorsed Leslie Lewallen for WA-03. The announcement comes after three days of endorsement announcements from the Lewallen camp.

“Leslie Lewallen is the kind of person I am glad to give my full endorsement to. Leslie is dedicated to her family and in her role as a Camas City Councilor. She has a never quit mentality that will make her a formidable opponent in this race. From my time in the state legislature, I understand what qualities are needed to get the job done and Leslie exemplifies each of them. I am excited to join her as we work to bring Southwest Washington to Congress,” said Pike. 

Liz Pike is a local leader who has spent her life giving back to the people of Washington State. Her work within the arts community also highlights her commitment to uplifting local artisans and small businesses and her endorsement reflects the grassroots nature of Lewallen’s campaign. 

Liz is a strong example of our ideals right here in Southwest Washington. Her experience at both the state and local levels makes her endorsement even more meaningful,” said Lewallen. “It is an honor to work to carry on the legacy of strong Republican women that have represented our home and I will do whatever it takes to take that legacy to Congress.”

This endorsement announcement is the fourth in a week of upcoming releases highlighting the diverse and growing support for Leslie Lewallen’s campaign. While Marie Gluesenkamp Perez actively votes against the interests of WA-03 constituents, Leslie Lewallen will fight to show voters that there is a better path forward.