Press Releases


CAMAS, WA – This weekend, Congress narrowly avoided a full government shutdown by passing a 45-day stopgap measure to keep federal employees paid and government programs running. Leslie Lewallen, candidate for WA-03, issued the following statement:  

This narrow miss with the government almost shutting down proves what many of us in Southwest Washington know to be true: brinkmanship serves no one,” said Lewallen. “Playing party politics and advocating for self-interests in Washington, D.C. does nothing to serve the citizens our representatives are entrusted to represent. Americans need guarantees that they won’t lose their jobs or access to vital government programs. We have a crisis at the border,  record inflation, homelessness and drug use spiraling out of control and it’s time for our elected leaders to work for the people, not themselves.  At this critical point in our history, we need workhorses, not show horses. Marie Gluesenkamp Perez needs to do her job over the next 45 days because continuing to hold our nation’s budget hostage is not a solution. Southwest Washington deserves better and, if elected, I will put my skills of pragmatic problem solving and track record of legislative success to work.” 

To learn more about Leslie’s campaign, visit